Lan MetisAustralia's Qualified Cosmetic Injectable Clinic
Lan Metis 是一家澳洲注册合法连锁医学美容公司,总部于2015年在阿德莱德成立,布里斯班、黄金海岸、墨尔本、悉尼均设有分部。中心内提供微整形及医美注射,抗衰管理,皮肤管理,美体塑身等服务。
诊所内由澳洲合法供货商提供注射产品。安排具有丰富经验持有澳洲整形资格证书本地医师坐诊,多名澳洲合法注射师协作完成。成立至今,享多年业界良好口碑。 |
At Lan Metis Cosmetic Injection clinics, we offer IPL hair removal, cosmetic injections, and various rejuvenation treatments to reduce aging effects and improve your skin's appearance.
With 3 clinics across Australia in Adelaide, Brisbane, and Gold Coast, you can visit us at any city. Using only Australia TGA approved products and latest technologies, to tailor a personalized treatment just for you. Our team of doctors and nurses are medically licensed, professionally trained, to deliver safe and effective treatment on skin management, beauty and body. |